For The Press

Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez, Director

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PO Box 5393, Richmond, CA 94805

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For Immediate Release

March 30, 2024

Art lovers are invited to the second Annual Richmond Open Studios (ROS 2024) August 17 and 18, 11-5 pm. This free event will offer artists a chance to open their studio to visitors, or show their work at one of three participating partner venues: NIAD Art Center,Richmond Art Center and ar.ti.fact Gallery. 

Richmond Open Studios is a local grassroots effort organized by the Visual Artists of Richmond and not a part of any other open studios events in the East Bay. Artist Erin McCluskey Wheeler cannot recall if there was ever a similar event in Richmond: “Not as far as I can remember, and I grew up here. I’m sure we’ve never had our own.” 

The Visual Artists of Richmond is an all-volunteer group of local artists organizing opportunities to celebrate and promote the work of Richmond artists. They’ve been doing it for little more than a year and already have a fiscal sponsor, an online directory, and host six artist gatherings per year. The group mission is to share resources, provide opportunities, and support for its artists’ art practices. “We realized that advocacy was something we needed to do ourselves, without expecting non-profits or the City to provide the leadership,” added Rebeca Garcia-Gonzalez, the group’s director. Artists participating in the Richmond Open Studios are all members of the Visual Artists of Richmond, and membership is free to those who live in the city or have a studio in it. 

Participating artists will also be part of a Richmond Open Studios exhibition at the Richmond Art Center running from July 3 to August 17, with an opening reception on July 3 from 1-3 pm. The exhibition will showcase “the great diversity of disciplines, approaches and media among the artists living or working in our city,” says Brian Conery, a member of VAR’s leadership team. He adds that “many are surprised to learn there are so many artists living in Richmond, but those who live here know Richmond is a very art-friendly city.”

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Additional Information

About VAR

The Visual Artists of Richmond is an all-volunteer group of 52 artists living or working in Richmond, with a mission to develop “a well-known, diverse, inclusive community of artists supporting each other by organizing opportunities to celebrate and promote our work, share resources, and support each other's art practices.” VAR supports artists through three programs:

Artist Gatherings

Every two months, VAR organizes gatherings for Richmond visual artists and creatives. Their artist gatherings are not just a networking event, they are also a safe space where local visual artists can take their projects, dreams and questions. The artists have met at Richmond non-profits, private homes, bars, studios and galleries, with their largest gathering to date bringing together over 30 artists. Information about upcoming gatherings is shared on VAR’s website, its newsletter and on its social media accounts.

Online Promotion

VAR’s online directory promotes the work of visual artists living or working in Richmond to curators, gallerists, collectors, businesses and the public. Artists can fill out an online form to create a self-curated directory profile. Since VAR does not collect membership dues, a profile is what determines membership. The directory is free to artists, and runs independently of city agencies and organizations. Member shows and partner events are also promoted through free listings on VAR’s website and social media accounts.

Richmond Open Studios

Since 2023, VAR has been organizing its own Richmond Open Studios, an event where visual artists living or working in the city can sell affordable art to the public. Members of four collective Richmond studios participate as well as artists who do not have a studio. Through its own community connections and collaborations, VAR’s open studios have brought art lovers from surrounding cities, social media followers, and neighbors eager to support local artists.